Thursday, April 19, 2007

Guest Speaker: Dr. Kristian L. Brown

Our guest speaker today, Dr. Brown from the Detroit Medical Center (The DMC, located in downtown Detroit, Michigan) was great!!! He shared with us information about what it takes to get through college, medical school, and residency. He showed us cool video footage of actual surgeries that he did and pictures of patient injuries that came into the emergency room.

It's so hard to believe that he has to stay up so late and work such long hours. Well, I guess if you love what you do, you just love what you do! The time commitment is long (about 12 years after high school), but the long term benefits far outweigh the short term benefits of making "quick money."

Thanks, Dr. Brown. We really enjoyed your visit, your insight and your advice. We cannot wait until you come back to share more with us again.